Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Fleece Hat Patterns for Free!

One of the advantages to the Nablopomo is, for me, the way it's pushing me to post my small link collections that have been languishing in my "Blogstuff" directory. Before the substitute teacher job ate my life, I was working on expanding my collection of hand-made hats. Many people find wool and mohair hats itchy, and I thought I'd expand into hypoallergenic fleece fabrics. Here are some nice, free hat patterns.


Anonymous said...

The "fleece hat and scarf" that was on Crafters Coast-to-Coast calls for a pattern but I couldn't find the pattern online.

Rebecca Clayton said...

They're assuming you have a hat pattern (and know how wide you want your scarf). I included them for their embellishment inspiration--I don't think that little hat they made is attractive, even on the cute baby.