Sherry Chandler tagged me for the "six unspectacular things about you" meme. I actually still owe Sherry a post for the page 123 meme from February 25 of this year. In that meme, you were supposed to pick up the book nearest you, turn to page 123, find the fifth sentence, and post it. Sherry had high hopes for me, maybe some arcane local history book. In fact, the nearest book was How to Make Sewing Patterns by Donald H. McCunn. Page 123 of that book, "Gathered Sleeve Cap," had only four sentences. The next nearest books were four shelves of odd-sized books: music books, cookbooks, knitting books, sheet music, and pamphlets. Book after book either lacked page 123, or had no sentences there. At that time, I was substituting daily at the middle school, and by day's end, my supply of resourcefulness was utterly depleted.
I'm still feeling guilty about that activity, so I'd better get after the current meme. I suppose all facts about me are unspectacular, so it shouldn't be hard, eh?
- I'm left-handed.
- My earliest childhood memory is of a caterpillar.
- I have always preferred tea to coffee.
- I learned to read from the funny papers in the Des Moines Register.
- My fingers are long and spatulate, but my thumbs are relatively short. This dashed my dreams of playing Irish or Cajun button accordion.
- I have the same birthday as Katherine Anne Porter, she was born the same year as my maternal grandmother (two weeks earlier), and I lived for five years (1987-1992) in the town where she died (Silver Spring, MD). I knew none of this when I first read Pale Horse, Pale Rider
in 1974, but I had a disturbing sense of deja vu about "Miranda."
I've never had any luck tagging anyone with a meme, so if no one's tagged you and this sounds like fun, go ahead and meme away. The meme terms & conditions are: "1. link the person who tagged you; 2. mention the rules on your blog; 3. list 6 unspectacular things about you: 4. tag 6 other bloggers by linking them."
1 comment:
Ach! You might have outdone Sharon Shannon but for the short thumbs.
My son used to be a great Sharon Shannon fan, which got him tagged as an oddball by his dorm-mates.
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