Friday, March 16, 2012

Wool Double Four-Patch Coverlet--Finished At Last

Wool Double Four Patch

Here it is, tied, bound, and hung on the clothesline for photographs. This double-bed cover is made from my wardrobe from the 1980's and 1990's, with a few squares from a 1970's era blue wool skirt I wore for band concerts, and a red wool bathrobe of my mom's (circa 1950).

Polar Fleece Quilt Backing

I backed the wool top with a pieced expanse of fleece remnants. This was a tricky procedure, as the fleeces were stretchy, each in its own way. I didn't get it perfectly flat when I tie-tacked it with the sewing machine, but I'm pronouncing it "good enough."

Almost All the Squares

You can see that I couldn't wait for the completion of the new clothesline to photograph my completed project. Clothesline is still under construction.

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