Monday, November 06, 2006

Funnel Cake Recipes

I had an odd idea for holiday snack food, and found myself collecting funnel cake recipes from the Web. I haven't tried one yet--I need to get over the Halloween candy I got at the middle school last week--but I would recommend the Berks County recipe collection for a variety of home cooked treats.

The recipes are similar, but there are so many batter variations--no sugar, sugar, honey--it's hard to know where to start. Given that confections usually take some practice before you perfect the technique, I could be frying funnel cakes from now until Christmas. By the time I get the recipe just right, my arteries could be completely hardened. Is there such a thing as "too much information?"

BerksWeb, Berks County Authentic Berks County recipes, Pennsylvania Dutch cooking
Funnel Cake The Amish call this fried dough cake 'drechter kuche.' * 3 to 4 cups of flour * 3 eggs * 2 cups milk * 1/4 cup sugar * 2 teaspoons baking powder * 1/2 teaspoon salt * powdered sugar for topping * vegetable oil for deep frying - heat to 375 degrees Beat the eggs, then add the sugar and milk. Sift 2 cups of flour, the salt, and the baking powder and add to the milk, sugar, and egg mixture. Mix while adding more flour until the batter is smooth and not too thick. The funnel should have an opening of at least 1/2 inch and be able to hold around a cup of batter. Put your finger over the bottom and add about a cup of batter. Remove your finger and allow the batter to pour into the center of the oil. Be careful, the oil may splash! Gradually swirl the batter outward in a circular motion, or criss-cross back and forth to make a cake about 7 or 8 inches round. We used to draw our initials to personalize our cakes! Check it with a pair of tongs and turn it when the bottom becomes golden brown. When both sides are done, remove with tongs and let it drip on a paper towel. Funnel cake is often served with powdered sugar on top. You could also use molasses, maple syrup, or fruit preserves. Enjoy!
Amish-Dutch Funnel Cake
1 egg
2/3 cup milk
2 teaspoons granulated sugar
1 1/3 cups all-purpose flour
1/4 teaspoon salt
3/4 tablespoon baking powder

Heat deep fat to 375 degrees F.
Beat egg and add milk.

Sift sugar, flour, salt and baking powder together. 
Add egg and milk mixture and beat until smooth. Pour batter 
into funnel, holding finger over bottom. Allow batter to run 
out of funnel into deep fat. Make swirls in fat from center out. 
Cake may be made to size wanted. Fry until golden brown. 
Drain on paper towels. serve with confectioners' sugar.
Mill Creek Manor's Funnel Cakes from Gerrardstown, West Virginia
    2 eggs, beaten
    1-1/2 cups of milk
    2 cups sifted flour
    1 teaspoon baking powder
    1/2 teaspoon salt
    2 cups cooking oil 

Combine eggs and milk in mixing bowl. Sift together the flour, 
baking powder, and salt. Add to egg mixture; beat until smooth 
with rotary beater. Test mixture to see if it flows through a 
funnel easily. It it is too thick, add more milk. If it is too 
thin, add more flour. In an 8-inch skillet, heat oil to 
360 degrees (or until a drop of the mixture sizzles when dropped 
into the oil). Covering the bottom of the funnel with a finger, 
pour a generous amount of the mixture into the funnel. Release 
your finger and let the batter flow into the oil in a spiral 
shape. Fry until golden brown, about three minutes. Using a wide 
spatula or tongs, turn cake carefully and brown on the other side. 
Cook one minute more. Drain on paper toweling and then sprinkle 
with confectionery sugar. Serve with hot syrup or canned apple 
pie filling that has been warmed.
Whole Wheat Funnel Cake recipe
1   c  Whole wheat flour
1 1/4   ts  Salt (optional)
1/2   ts  Baking soda
3/4   ts  Baking powder
2   ts  Honey
1     Egg
7/8   c  Milk; warm
    Oil for deep frying
    Honey or maple syrup

Sift together all the dry ingredients and then add the 
honey, egg, and the milk. Beat until smooth. Heat about 
2 inches of the oil in a large cast-iron skillet. To test 
the correct temperature, drop a small piece of dough into 
the oil. If it floats to the top and bubbles appear around 
the edges, you are ready to make the funnel cakes.
Hold your finger at the bottom of the funnel and pour in 
some batter. Then, using a spiral motion, let the batter 
pour into the oil. The cakes should look like free-form 
spiral sculpture. Fry until golden brown, turning once. 
Drain on paper towels. Drizzle with honey oar maple syrup 
and serve hot.
The amount you can make will depend upon the amount of batter 
you use for each cake. 
Fante's Kitchen Wares Shop
Funnel Cakes Recipe
2 cups milk
2 eggs
2 cups flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon sugar, if desired

Mix together milk and eggs.
Sift together flour, baking powder, salt and sugar.
Combine with milk mixture.
Beat to make smooth.
Test dough for proper consistency.
If it runs out of funnel too quickly, it is too thin
and needs a little more flour. If it flows too slowly, 
it is too thick and needs a little more milk.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know someone who loves funnel cake and is now in for a pleasant surprise.