Monday, August 01, 2005

Pocahontas County Pages, what's there, and what's coming here

Locust Creek in the mist--a veiw from Droop Mountain

I took this picture last fall from my neighbor's back yard. We'd have this view of Locust Creek too, if we cut down lots and lots of trees. I thought I ought to introduce Pocahontas County Fare a bit more, so I've made up a list of topics I've been writing about on my Web site, and which are bound to appear in this weblog as well.

Here's a list of topics I have been working on, but which have not yet gone public.

  • Natural history, especially in Pocahontas County, WV. I have a PhD in biology, specifically in ecology and evolutionary biology of insects. I'm not sure why I haven't been writing more about this aspect of the county; perhaps all that time in graduate school has made it seem too much like work.
  • Nature writing. I have my favorite nature writers on and off the Internet, and I have some definite ideas about what makes good nature writing.
  • Understanding Appalachia, specifically Pocahontas County. An enormous amount has been written trying to define and describe Appalachia. I intend to add to the pile.

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