Tuesday, August 15, 2006

The Riddle of the Sphinx Moth

Droop Mountain sphinx moth, front view

I see this sphinx moth species often this time of year. I don't have much lepidopteran expertise, and without the specimen in hand I'm not going to attempt an identification, but isn't it handsome? In the hope of a dumb-luck species identification, I googled around a bit, and stumbled on Pocahontas County, West Virginia Sphingidae. I don't see my front porch pet on that sight, but what are the odds of my finding a collection of Pocahontas County sphinx moth photos on a Prince Edward Island lep farmer's Web site?

Droop Mountain Sphinx, top view


Dave said...

Whoa. I've never seen one like that!

Unknown said...

Appears to be a Blinded Sphinx Moth.