Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Cutting Trees

The new house will require a new power line and pole, and last week the electric company's tree workers came to clear the path. Unfortunately, our old pear tree was one of the casualties. The pears were unpalatable, despite my best efforts, and sizable chunks of the tree itself fell off every autumn. Still, it was beautiful when it bloomed in the spring, and the deer seemed to enjoy the rock-hard fruits.

You can see the pear tree on the right in full flower, April, 2008.

Here is the old house after all the tree-cutting.

Here is why chunks of the pear tree fell off every summer as the weight of pears pulled on them. I suppose we're lucky the whole tree didn't fall on the house.

A decrepit Norway spruce, some smallish sugar maples, and two black walnuts also were in the way. The rest of the trees cut were black locust saplings, sprung up in fence rows.


Unknown said...

My in laws had a 'sand pear' tree--the fruit was not sweet, and gritty. (which is why they called it a sand pear!)

but it made great chutney, and cooked with ginger, a lovely canned pear. (in laws are now gone, (and ex was gone before them.. and i miss the pears!)

i hope you plant a replacement!

Rebecca Clayton said...

Our fruit trees are old, and we lose one every few years, but unfortunately, the deer eat up any fruit trees (or grape vines, or berry bushes) as fast as we plant them. Maybe someday we'll figure out a way to keep the deer off....