Sunday, May 04, 2008

Wooly Mullein

From African violets to wooly mullein, I've always been fascinated by fuzzy leaves. Whether you consider common mullein a noxious weed, a useful herb, or a handsome ornamental probably depends on how many plants you have in a given area. We have just a few, and so we find it charming and useful.


Larry said...

Although mullein is an exotic invasive plant, it's not badly invasive. It needs full sun and disturbed soil. I see it mostly along railroad tracks and in vacant lots here in Hannibal.

This Eurasian plant is well-established on this continent and it doesn't compete with most native plants. We may as well appreciate it, as it seems to be here to stay! I feel the same way about ground ivy (Glechoma hederacea), a mint-family plant with small but beautiful flowers.

nina at Nature Remains. said...

Is this the same as "Common Mullein"--I read somewhere that early settlers lined their boots with it--very appropriately.
I've always loved it--even the spiky flowers at the road's edge.

It may not be native, but I always love to find ii--and automatically reach to touch its softness.